
Fort, R. G.

In der Maxingstraße aufgewachen, floh die Familie nach England.

My father Wilhelm Fortgang (1893-1983) had a tailors shop at Altgasse 8 until early 1938 when he managed to flee to england. He had many famous clients such as Richard Tauber and other well known stars of stage and screen (I have many Photos). I am also enclosing a school photo of 1937. I am 4th from the right in the front row (the good looking one). My sister Maguerite (born 1926) went to the same school and lives suite close to me here in London.

My fathers parents, lived an No1, Maxingstraße around 1900. A part from my father Wilhelm they had six other children. Else, Olga, Rudi, Fritz, Alois and Ernest. Else died in Vienna in her bed. Olga and Rudi emigrated to england in the 1920´s. Rudi is the only one who is still alive (living in the old age home). Fritz and Alois managed to escape line my father, to the U.K. in 1938 and Ernest went to the USA in the 1920´s. Alois had a Branntweingeschäft at No5 Maxingstraße and Fritz had an electrical shop, also in Maxingstr. But i dont know the number.

II too, served in the british army from 1950-52 (compulsory national service) just by chance I was sent to vienna and was stationed in a villa in Wenzgasse, Hietzing. There I met my future wife and next year we will be celebrating our golden wedding. We have to children and one grandson.

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